Science seems to cease to be science where politics is concerned. Politicians raise the issues of climate
change and gender choice/identity with false scientific narratives. Techniques
employed to support science in the political arena include parsing mountains of
journal articles to pick certain items of data – taken out of context - to
support claims, or when the facts do not fit, “facts” can simply be manufactured.
And when those chosen and/or manufactured facts fail and measurements do not
fit the theories, or a counter argument is proposed, then science simply
devolves to name-calling in defense of the political agenda.
For example, gender is now a choice.
So let’s play this out. If this is so, then why is not age a choice? After all, we have people referring to
themselves as an “old soul”. Therefore,
if age is a choice too, then we should accept the “science” that upon an
individual’s sex change operation, they can also choose to be 65. In this case, Medicare can pay for the
operation and Social Security would provide retirement benefits.
If the predictions of man-made global warming do not fit the observations
then, we are told, the reason for any skepticism is that the opponent of such beliefs
must be a closed-minded science denier.
Imagine if this was the standard for all sciences.
There is something wrong in a society that only looks to use certain
“facts” to support a claim to politically launch themselves. There is something even more disturbing with
a public that not only allows this sort of behavior, but supports it and has
even adopts it on a grander scale.
The future destiny of Mankind is completely dependent upon the success of the relentless voices of WE THE PEOPLE demanding that the priceless value of our collective wisdom/intellect finally be recognized as the GREATEST HUMAN RESOURCE IN THE HISTORY THE WORLD--one which manifests itself in a myriad of different ways, not the least of which is THE LIMITLESS SUPPLY OF GOOD IDEAS, IN EVERY REALM IMAGINABLE, that exists in our collective hearts, minds and imaginations, just waiting to be unleashed upon the world to potentially solve virtually every 'man made' problem existing in global society today!!!
These solutions must be implemented soon if there is ever to be any realistic chance to beneficially alter forever the questionable direction that our human destiny seems to be headed in, as evidenced by the 'rocky road' that our society is presently speeding headlong & recklessly down---a road which, unfortunately, leads to a future society that no rational thinking person would ever want to be a part of if they were ever made fully aware of what was waiting for them at the end of it!!
Having stated the above, I urge you to at least look at my proposed 'solution'(linked below)for saving society from the fate that surely awaits us if we don't do something SOON to insure that AMERICA remains the greatest country in the world, as it is surely 'Mankind's last, best hope on earth for a world in which there can be Justice & Equality for all'!! (