Sunday, May 29, 2016

Don't Be Fooled: The Frustration of the Responsible

Let’s review some numbers: the top 10% of income earners pay about 70% of the taxes.

Now for some critical analysis:  out of that 10%, very few are knowledgeable of our nation’s founding, the historical concept of liberty, and the importance – let alone content – of the Constitution.

The level of corruption and dishonesty in the political media and government is at a fever pitch because too many Americans refuse to take the time to learn the most basic constructs of citizenship.  When people do not know their history and the facts, people vote on the emotion of self-interest.  As a result you get what we have today – a circus.

The parade of presidential candidates consist of a liar, a loudmouth and a loon – this is who we have to choose from.  America cannot hope to survive without a course correction.  We had that with Ronald Reagan when he gave us a breather from massive government, and the nation was allowed to flourish.

This election cycle, like no other, is critical for the survival of the American Dream.  We recall the philosopher J.J. Rousseau who wrote of voting 
“The people of England think they are free.  They are much mistaken.  They are never so but during the election of members of Parliament.  As soon as they are elected, they are slaves, they are nothing.  And by the use they make of their liberty during the short moments they possess it, they well deserve to lose it.”

Be Vigilant. Be Free

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Don't Be Fooled: The Enslavement of the Present by the Past

It was recently brought up in a conversation that I, as a white female, could not understand the feeling of being the only black guy in a room – well obviously! I am neither black nor male, so how could I possibly ever understand. Just as a black guy could never understand the feeling of being a white girl.  This is not racism or bigotry, this is simple biology.

We have, to our own disadvantage, aligned ourselves with a respective race, religion, political persuasion, etc and pitted ourselves against each other on the premise of past transgressions and ideology.  Does this not seem contrary to the progressive society so many of the younger generation espouse? Yes, understanding the past, learning from history is crucial for further development and progression, but to hold on to such hatred or partisanship for actions and ideas of past generations who have long since passed does not seem progressive at all – seems more like a spiteful woman…and I say that as a woman.

The present should remember and learn from the past, not be enslaved by it.  Let us learn our lessons and move on.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Don't Be Fooled: What the media decides is "news-worthy"

The media plays a critical role in election cycles and more so today with a 24 hour news cycle.  But as we demonstrate in our book, Vigilance the Price of Liberty, the media is bias and each news outlet will “bend” the news toward or against the party, politician, and position it favors.

For example, The Washington Post has 20 people investigating Donald Trump.  How many do they have on Hillary Clinton?  The point being, The Post has a liberal bias and will actively work against Trump.  Fox News has a bias toward Republicans and will spend more time on stories that are unfavorable to Clinton. More important, is the fact that both sides of the political media populate the airways with a lot of words about scandals and not substance.

We need to focus on what is important.  Is a call made by Donald Trump 25 years ago posing as his own publicist a pertinent story to this 2016 presidential election?  Or is a discussion of the presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, under criminal investigation of note? For us, it is the latter and let us explain our reasoning.

Hillary Clinton’s emails place the candidate under Federal criminal investigation.  Assume, as we should for now, that Clinton is innocent.  She has told us that she never sent or received an email that was marked secret.  However, the fact has been established that she did send and receive secret and classified information.

Her defense is that the emails were not marked as such at the time and the later classification was internal chatter amongst different agencies.  However, this flies in the face of one of her own emails that shows, while the information was not marked classified, she knew it to be classified.  Therefore, regardless of the outcome of the FBI investigation, did not her actions tells us she was reckless with national security information?

The media is supposed to stand as a watch dog for the people against political corruption, not pose as a political lap dog.  This protection of political candidates by the media on both sides of the isle is rampant.  It is the contrast between the two above examples that should draw the audiences’ attention: a silly phone call made over 2 decades ago vs. an FBI criminal investigation of a candidate while serving as Secretary of State.

The media will make this election about political correctness, party lines, sexism, racism or any other –ism.  It will be about who the media deems worthy of running for political office and who they will protect in that endeavor.  And it should be the American public’s endeavor to be vigilant…and be free.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Don't Be Fooled: Parties are NOT a Democracy

This Presidential elections are big events with big outcomes in the balance.  However, the way we go about electing a president relies on emotion rather than fact and reason.  The process is corrupted by parties, politicians and media who shred the Constitution by controlling the agenda to direct you toward what you should think is important and how you should vote. The pandering and deceit is all designed to play us as fools.

In response to the onslaught of misinformation coming to you this election cycle, we would like to introduce our series: Don’t Be Fooled.  Over the next several months we will shine light on the disingenuous dialogues and give you facts to help reason an informed judgement.

To start, there is a notion espoused by the press that parties are part of a democracy.  They are not.  Further, selecting a presidential candidate by a party does not have to be democratic.  Parties are private companies, like labor unions, with the goal, like a labor union, to keep their union members employed.  Parties purport to represent an ideology and offer a “platform” for governance if their “union members” become elected to government.

Important to note, parties are not part of the government.  Parties are not even mentioned in the Constitution.  In fact, parties pose great danger to our Republic, as so noted by President George Washington who, in his farewell address, warned the nation of the dangers from parties when the “will of the party replaces the will of the nation.”

The Democrat and Republican parties are composed of state parties from the 50 states and a separate national committee. The national committee is responsible for the national convention from which the 50 state parties choose their presidential candidate.

Each party can make its own rules on how to choose their candidate.  An enlightening article, The Agony of a Trump Delegate, by Kimberly Strassel on April 28, 2016 appearing in the Wall Street Journal describes the GOP party nomination system in light of Donald Trump’s displeasures of such – click here for full article.

Bernie Sanders can also be displeased by the lack of “democracy” of the Democratic Party. The super delegates are independent of the primaries and caucuses and represent about 30% of the votes needed to win the nomination for the Democratic presidential candidate.  The Democrats put this undemocratic system in place to assure the control of their nominee if the voters should choose someone not of the Party’s design.

In summary, parties are not part of the government.  They are private organizations who select who they want as their presidential nominee according to their own rules, which they may change at any time.  Your vote for a presidential candidate of a party is at best a preference poll.  However, with all this said, parties risk the wrath from their voters if they should chose against the majority of their voter’s preference.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

What Do You Think?

When I was applying to college some four years ago, a question was posed that inspired the journey of writing Vigilance The Price of Liberty and building US Vigilance:

Choose an issue of importance to you – the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.

We would now like to pose that question to you. What do you think is the issue of largest importance? A coddled Millennial generation that appears unable to stand the bright light of reality?  The assault on religion or freedom of speech? A Middle East in turmoil?  A political system that is largely distrusted?

Whatever issue you think is most important, how would crystalize it and begin to solve it?

For me, I thought the issue of largest importance was that “Government has become too large to sustain and too opaque to be accountable which diminishes its ability to do the public good.”  My solution was to team with my father to write a book and launch US Vigilance to promote responsible citizenship.

We cannot be a society of complainers; we must be a society of resolvers.  Once you have identified the problem it is time for action.

What do you think?

#BeVigilant. Be Free.