Sunday, April 9, 2017

Give 'em Hell, Trump!

In 1948, President Harry Truman gave a campaign speech attacking Republicans when a man from the audience yelled “Give ‘em Hell Harry!”.  Truman responded that he didn’t give Republicans “Hell”, but the truth is what Republicans think is Hell.  The event became a theme for the campaign.

During the years of President Obama we were told a great many thing about items of substance, only to find there was no truth to them.  There was the “you can keep your healthcare plan…period”, Beau Bergdahl served with distinction, the death of Americans in Benghazi was caused by an Internet video, inspection of Iranian nuclear facilities will be any time anywhere, the ACA will not add a dime to the deficit, the Stimulus will save or create four million jobs, and . . . we have eliminated, through negations, all of Syria’s chemical weapons.

Now, as President, Trump launched 60 Tomahawk missiles into a specific Syrian airbase identified as the point for the recent Syrian strike on its people allegedly using poison gas.  America’s response was swift, specific, strategic, and measured.  It did what Obama’s words failed to do: it drew a “red line” with a clear message that certain acts of violence will not be tolerated of a third rate country.

There are Middle East experts who have argued the region is a problem without solution but, like a chronic disease, it can be managed.  The Obama policy in the region, and world, was endless and toothless negotiation where the U.S. was a follower in the wishes of others.  Obama’s method of “being a friend to foes and a foe to friends” destabilized the world and gave power to dictators and free reign to terrorists.

Trump’s actions were necessary and will lend credence to words.  America took its first step to reclaim global leadership and reestablish American exceptionalism.  Military might should be the last action of a country, but what Trump did was a pin prick.  It was only 60 missiles that surgically struck targets without the loss of life.  The message of the immense strength and technology of America did not go unnoticed.  Foreign policy of the type President Theodore Roosevelt described to "speak softly, and carry a big stick" is now credible.

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