In the real world, colossal failures are met with massive investor losses
and law suits for the gross negligence and fraud foisted on the investors. But a failed government program is met by
feeding it more money. An example: the
Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Let us first distinguish the difference between an accomplishment vs. a
failure. Obamacare is a political
accomplishment, but a failure based on its own promises. As purported by the President, Speaker of the
House, Majority Leader of the Senate, and every Democrat in Congress, Obamacare
promised to lower healthcare premiums by $2,500, if you liked your health
insurance plan you could keep it, if you liked your doctor you could keep him,
not to add a dime to the budget deficit, to increase competition through
government funded cooperatives, and to encourage more entrepreneurs to start
businesses, among many other claims. All
of these claims proved false.
The ACA started as a calamity with the building of an e-commerce website
costing billions and failing after years of preparation. Yet, Obamacare not only moves forward but
gets more money paid for by – you guessed it – the taxpayer. The bureaucrats and politicians who created
the program still get their pay and retirement benefits. And for all the knowingly fraudulent claims
made, and the gross negligence that no politician who voted for the legislation
read it – well – no one was prosecuted.
Consequences like that are reserved for the real world.
So before you ask the government for another program or to “fix” the
economy remember, no matter what the result, we pay for their mistakes!
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