On Thursday the British people voted to discard their representatives’
cries of doom and throw out the central planning bureaucrats in Brussels to
retake their country and sovereignty.
Britain was nearly equally split, with 52% voting to leave and 48% to stay
in the European Union (EU). Those of the
political elite and on the left dub the vote an expression of a xenophobic,
racist, and bigoted people. Voters who
fear and hate immigrants.
While immigration was a driving force, it was more about Brussels
controlling the U.K. borders, and the laws within its borders, which drove
people to vote to get out of the EU while they still had a country. It was a people who rejected their
politicians and media elites. Who do not
trust or believe that either hold their interests or the interests of the
nation first.
America is in a similar situation with the upcoming election and gives
insight into the seemingly impossible candidacy of Donald Trump and Bernie
Sanders. How could a billionaire
businessman with no political experience secure his candidacy over a dozen seasoned
and well financed career politicians?
How did a communist, in America, give the “crowned” candidate, Hillary,
a competitive race?
All this originates from an electorate that no longer believes a large
central government can or does provide a path to prosperity or, for that
matter, can keep the nation safe. An
anemic recovery, real (U-6) unemployment of 9.6%, health insurance rising at
double digits, stagnant wages, and terrorism at home give people pause of the
effectiveness and capabilities of federal politicians and bureaucrats.
Brexit and the U.S. presidential candidates are a manifestation of unrest
with politicians, media, and governments.
Those that feel that they are being ruled instead of served. In the words of Patrick Henry, “Is life so
dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me,
Give me Liberty, or give me Death!”
#Be Vigilant. Be Free.