Sunday, May 3, 2015

What Are We Fighting For?

We must fight for the Constitution.  We must become educated in our nation’s founding and the document that is to secure the Blessings of Liberty – which is what makes America exceptional.  We must rise up once again and fight for our freedom to choose.  We must pull ourselves from under the deceit, waste, fraud and abuse that we have allowed to accumulate under the watch of those we have entrusted with the power to govern.

The vigilance of the people is not only a necessity to protect the freedoms we have, but to ensure those continue for our posterity. Within our country, the freedoms we think we have are but shadows of their original perfection.  We may tout freedom of speech, but how free is our speech when political correctness has people of all ages afraid to speak their mind without persecution.  How do we really have the freedom to choose for ourselves when over 100 million of our citizens are dependent on some type of government program?

Vigilance truly is the price of liberty; to be free we must protect what our forefathers shed blood for.  We must discard the cloak of political parties and political correct speech and begin down the path of enlightenment to have our nation strong and its individuals truly free to choose . . . not free from choice.

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