Thursday, February 12, 2015

The President of Everything

President Obama has put himself forth as the savor of everything.  He will save the climate, social justice, net neutrality, the Middle East, healthcare, education and the middle class.  But to save everything the President needs to centrally control everything – and herein lies the problem and the great threat to our liberty and the American Dream.  As to control everything means to take away everyone’s freedom of choice because people can act selfishly, irrationally or simply are not smart enough to make the “right” choices.  So the President, who has been morally and intellectually perfected, must make the choices that regular people cannot.  This is the essence of the Obama’s policies. 

However, even if Obama is better than us the problem is that government programs get corrupted, it is a condition of man that cannot be denied.  As we write in Vigilance The Price of Liberty “Acts, no matter how noble, good, or charitable by a centralized government inevitably fall to political corruption and turn evil.”  All the well intentioned acts of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare and thousands of other programs have driven the nation to financial ruin.  We have over $18 trillion of debt, the highest debt of any nation in the world, and a debt per capita nearly three times higher than dysfunctional Greece.  We have over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities from Medicare and Social Security.  For the $15 trillion spent on welfare the rate of poverty today is about the same as it was in 1965 when the “war” on poverty started.  And despite the efforts of the Education Department, SAT reading scores in 2012 had fallen to their lowest point in four decades.  As the Nobel economist Milton Freidman said “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies by their intentions rather than their results”.  

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