When hundreds of conservative political groups were targeted by the IRS,
preventing their formation during the 2012 election, the opposition to the
election of President Obama was blunted.
Lois Lerner was at point in this dubious effort. Her punishment: a “well earned” retirement
with full benefits after decades of loyal public service. Lois can now fade into the sunset at the
taxpayer’s expense.
But not so fast. Lerner is back to
argue that the closed-door testimony she gave should not be made public because
she could be exposed to grave bodily harm if it were.
So how is it that a woman who famously told us that she did nothing wrong
– after, of course, pleading the 5th. Maybe folk in her department were a bit
zealous but, as President Obama stated, there wasn’t a “smidgen” of corruption. So how do we square Mrs. Lerner to the threat
of grave bodily harm? We can’t because,
most likely, both positions are false.
It is far beyond time that taxpayers have light shed on what happened
behind the IRS Curtain, the deeds that were done, the finger pointed to the
guilty, and maybe, just maybe, some justice dispensed.